The best opportunity to generate new leads begins with your clients and your referral systems.
First, be sure your clients have the right information to give to others. They are your walking, talking billboards! Often, they are bombarded with questions about your current schedule and services. So be sure to give them the tools needed to answer those questions so they can easily send people to you.
Decide if you want your clients to help their friends schedule a consultation, attend a free class, or give you their information. Make it easy by keeping handouts and information available in your facility at all times. These can include business cards, brochures, guest passes, and any form of call to action you choose.
To keep referrals coming consistently, try implementing a few of the following strategies:
- At the point of sale, ask clients: “Can you think of three friends or family members who would benefit from a program like this as well? We can give them a one-day guest pass where they can either come in with you or set up a separate consultation.” Be sure to give the client three guest passes to give to their friends and let them know that you will give them a call soon.
- Host special events that are open to the public. This can be a group class for charity, open house days, a walk at the park, or a challenge you’ve put together. Encourage clients to bring friends and family members and be sure to save their information and follow-up.
- Highlight your clients often. Inside the facility, as well as on social media. This can be stories, progress photos, and leaderboards
Remember to always communicate with your clients and ask what you can do to help get their friends and family exercising as well.
A quick word of caution concerning rewards systems for referrals: Do not get consumed by thinking you have to give your clients something in return for referrals. Reward systems can be useful if implemented correctly. However, most of your clients will be happy to send people your way.
If you do choose to use a reward system, try to avoid giving away sessions. Instead, consider giving away things such as gift cards for friends, t-shirts or other prizes. Reward systems work best when there is a level of competition and a time limit. Run these promotions for about a month at a time, rewarding those who have referred the most people.