Shoulder weakness and decreased shoulder stability can impact the entire kinetic chain. This exercise serves as an assessment of any side-to-side asymmetry with respect to weakness that may be present, while it also links the shoulder, torso and hips together in a strengthening exercise.


Begin in a tall plank position with the hands and feet shoulder width apart. Next, lift the right hand up and tap the left shoulder with the palm of the right hand. Pause for 1 second, and return to the start position. Now, repeat the motion using the left arm. Repeat for 5-10 alternate repetitions on each side. Perform 2-3 sets with 1-2 minutes of rest between sets.
1. Perform the movement on an elevated surface (box, counter, wall, etc.)
2. Perform the exercise in quadruped and adjust the hand placement to increase the lever arm
1. Increase the time under tension
2. Increase external load using a weight vest
Note: It is important to maintain a slower and deliberate cadence to facilitate integrated kinetic chain work and improve both strength and stability. The goal is to minimize rotational movement.
This exercise is an assessment, corrective exercise and effective shoulder/core strengthening exercise all in one. Adjusting the load and weight bearing positions makes it feasible for people of all ages and strength capacity. It is especially effective for clients in need of better shoulder/core/hip stability. Overhead athletes can use it as a rehab drill or as part of a movement prep leading up to a heavier upper body workout.
Precautions include active shoulder impingement, advanced arthritis or any acute instability episodes. Do not push through any pain, and adjust the difficulty based on the inherent anti-rotation control.