With our lives turned upside down for the last eight months and counting, it’s difficult to know what our lives will be like tomorrow, let alone any further down the road. But we can’t afford to just sit back and wait for things to get back to normal. We must keep moving forward — for ourselves and our clients.
While many things still remain out of our control, those who stay focused on the things we can control are the ones who will rise up. How about you? What is your #1 business focus in 2021? We asked a variety of readers and industry leaders and here is what they had to say:
Knowing that many people have been significantly affected financially this year, and knowing how self-care is more important now than it’s ever been, I’ve instituted a “pay what you can afford” policy for all my group classes (which are being taught remotely for the most part). I have always been of the mindset that I want my services to be accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of location or financial standing.
Melody Schoenfeld (February PFP Trainer of the Month) | Pasadena, CA
Getting more information so that in the future I am able to open my own facility. This time has definitely proven people need exercise and fitness in their lives and I want to help. Will Paulding | Greenfield, MA My focus will be the same as it has been since we opened our doors. We will focus on delivering the most up-to-date exercise and nutritional programs for our clients while creating an environment that is safe and inspiring. We will continue to coach clients online and in-person, enabling each client to work with us based on their comfort level and location.
Scott Keppel (April PFP Trainer of the Month) | Chandler, AZ
My focus is life balance above all. Rather than spend-ing way too many hours on marketing and sales I want to focus on client acquisition that makes sense for time and effort management. I am 100% remote, so expenses are very low which reduces the need for new clients.
Brien Shamp | El Dorado Hills, CA
To utilize the pandemic as a means of encouraging and enlarging my client’s abilities to focus and work without constant supervision.
Ray Dryden | Visalia, California
The new year should be a period for me and my clients to regain our confidence to the vital role of exercise in public health and quality of life. Unfortunately, social distancing, local and regional lockdowns as well as the closure of health and fitness clubs across the world increased sedentary behavior and stress while reducing mental health and physical independence. Thus, I am going to fight against the current situation trying to get my clients’ good habits back on track.
Alexis Batrakoulis (March PFP Trainer of the Month) | Larisa, Greece
My #1 focus in 2021 is to keep people moving and as active as they can be for where they are at in life. Helping them to become the best they can be regardless of age or medical conditions they may be living with.
Debi Mahoney | Eden Prairie, MN
There is a need for a more holistic approach, which can be achieved only through a concerted effort between the fitness industry and health care providers.
Julio Salado (September PFP Trainer of the Month) | Boston, MA
To bring more mental awareness into my clients’ fitness programs. To incorporate strategies to also focus on their mental health.
Pamela Yula | South Plainfield, NJ
My main focus is to help more people achieve their goals. I want to be able to show everyone that they can do anything as long as they have the proper support and believe in themselves.
Eric Ruiz | Visalia, CA
I will focus on continuing to empower, educate and elevate my clients, fellow fitness professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs with an unwavering drive to create positive change. I will change more lives around the world in the Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s communities and beyond through the growth of Let’s FACE It Together™ facial exercise and rehabilitation.
Christine Conti (August PFP Trainer of the Month) | Brick, NJ
First, I plan to engage in more virtual meetings. Second, I plan to schedule more one-on-one or two-person personal training. Lastly, I plan to increase the number of classes. In other words, I plan to offer the same class several times a week.
Debra Williams | Philadelphia, PA
To follow up on the things my coach and mentor pre-scribe to me to get my holistic health education program off the ground. I have the content finished and need help with social media!
Les Sparks | Aurora, CO
My number one focus for Autism Fitness in 2021 is providing the hands-on practical component of our Level 1 Certification safely across the US and Internationally. To effectively learn and be able to provide fitness programs for special needs populations, there needs to be an in-person learning component.
Eric Chessen (June PFP Trainer of the Month) | Charlotte, NC
The right motivation inspires everyone. In 2021, I want to help people find that inner spirit of burning desire to reach fitness and personal goals.
Lydia Greear | Palm Coast, FL
My focus for 2021 will be proper breathing for lung health and stress relief. Also, outdoor fitness with the benefits from nature and the ability to be together in a safer environment.
Ginger | Fort Myers, FL
With COVID-19 affecting those with underlying conditions to a much greater degree than the healthy population, The Life Energy Foundation designed a research study to target this part of the population. The resulting data from “Move the Needle Research Study – Will Im-proving Health Reduce Severity of COVID-19?” could be a pivoting factor in how to manage and improve chronic conditions affecting 130 million people in the US. As non-profit entity, we need all the help and support we can get. If anyone has any expertise, please contact www.thelifeenergyfoundation.org.
Sharon Bourke (January PFP Trainer of the Month) | Rockville, MD