
Most fitness pros feel a profound connection with the earth. After all, we're the ones running on the beach, biking on a mountain trail, swimming in a lake or leading a boot camp in a park, so we want to preserve this incredible planet that sustains our lives as well as our lifestyles.

As business owners, however, our primary concern is profitability. Without making money, the business isn't sustainable. Without sustainability, clients' long-term fitness needs are not served, and employees cannot build careers.

How do fitness business owners bridge the gap between a sustainable business and supporting a sustainable environment? Can a respect for the natural environment and a healthy concern for the bottom line coexist? Is it possible to "green" both your habitat and your wallet?

The answer is yes on all accounts, when you look for ways to save money and the environment. Following are 22 tips on how you can love the earth and your bottom line.
