
Exercise of the Week: BOSU Bridging Progression

    This exercise from the BOSU® Active Aging exercise library helps develop posterior chain strength and endurance, stabilization and balance. Start in a supine incline position with the shoulders on top of the BOSU® Balance Trainer dome, knees flexed, and feet placed hip width apart on the floor. With hands on the floor for support, lift the hips into a bridge position. To progress, plantar flex the ankles while bridging, then dorsi flex the ankles while bridging. For more challenge, plantar flex one ankle and dorsi flex the other, alternating with each bridge. Finally, to add to the balance challenge, lift the arms off the floor and reach up toward the ceiling during the bridge. For more information on BOSU® Active Aging exercises, visit http://www.bosu.com/bosur-mobility-st....