Elena Biedert

Elena Biedert is an award-winning pre- and postnatal coach, internationally published author and model. Driven by her son’s traumatic birth with an unexpected c-section that almost took her life, Elena founded "Mama Fitness Coaching“ to support other mothers. With a holistic approach, Elena focuses on helping new mothers recover and reach their fitness goals post-pregnancy, so that they can feel confident and strong without sacrificing time with their loved ones. You can learn more at MamaFitnessCoaching.com or contact Elena on Instagram @mamafitnesscoaching.
May 10 2024
Motherhood can be tough as it is, and being a working mom can host its own challenges on top of the already busy life of a fitness professional. According to Pew Research, 77% of adults say women have
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Feb. 26 2024
As a fitness professional, you’ve probably mastered the art of crafting tailored training and nutrition programs for your clients... View More
Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 3.24.09 PM
Jan. 16 2024
The post-pregnancy period is a remarkable journey for new moms, marked by the joy of motherhood and all the physical changes and mental challenges that come with it... View More