June 19 2015
Watching TV, playing video games, surfing the web: sedentary activities such as these have long been associated with physical health problems such as obesity and heart disease. A new study, however, suggests... View More
June 18 2015
With the average American consuming around 4.5 kg of chocolate each year, it is safe to say it is one of the nation's most loved treats. It is not hard to fathom why; it tastes delicious and stimulates... View More
June 17 2015
As the weather improves, so does the likelihood of people going out and running. While many people go running as a simple way of keeping fit, for others, it is a necessary part of a long-term project;... View More
June 16 2015
They are responsible for one of our favorite Mexican dips and can brighten up any salad, but a new study finds there may be much more to avocados; a compound found in the fruit could help tackle acute... View More
June 16 2015
If you’re having trouble sleeping, you might just not be using your body enough to get tired. Continued at YahooHealth>>... View More
June 14 2015
new study has found, contrary to researchers' expectations, that adding a high level of salt to a high-fat diet prevented weight gain in mice. Continued at MedicalNewsToday>>... View More
June 11 2015
Telling a pregnant woman to put down the donut is probably not a great idea, but there are many adverse outcomes associated with gaining too much weight during pregnancy. A systematic review from 2012... View More
June 10 2015
Dietary glycemic index is often monitored closely by people with diabetes, but could it be relevant in other areas of health? A new mouse study suggests that dietary glycemic index could have a significant... View More
June 8 2015
Children with autistic spectrum disorder tend to be picky eaters, and so parents tend to use supplements. A large study that has closely monitored the eating patterns of such kids, however, has concluded... View More
June 5 2015
A new study has suggested that following a Western diet - high in red and processed meats, refined grains and high-fat dairy products - could increase the risk of death for people with prostate cancer... View More
June 4 2015
With summer approaching, motorists are being warned to make sure they stay well hydrated - as newly released consumer research shows only one in five of us have a drink before getting behind the wheel.... View More
June 3 2015
"No taxation without representation!" As we learned in American history class, restrictions to personal liberties often trigger strong emotional reactions instead of deliberate, rational economic responses.... View More
June 2 2015
A Group of experts have advised that people working in office environments stand for at least 2 hours a day during working hours, as part of a number of recommendations to protect those engaged with typically... View More
June 1 2015
While reducing the amount of calories consumed is known to delay the onset of aging and improve metabolic health, maintaining a high level of caloric reduction in the long-term can be dangerous. A new... View More
May 29 2015
Focus on the Broccoli Benefits rather than the Hamburger Harms Tell your child or spouse what they can eat and not what they can't. Telling your child to eat an apple so they stay healthy will work better... View More
May 26 2015
You have a choice between two foods: a chocolate bar or a piece of cake. What influences your decision? The desire to be healthy? The need for a sugar boost? According to a new study, your choice may be... View More
May 22 2015
A new study of mice suggests skipping meals may disrupt metabolism in a way that leads to extra fat accumulating around the middle and signs of prediabetes. Continued at MedicalNewsToday>>... View More
May 20 2015
Many people with celiac disease consume probiotics with the belief it will help ease their symptoms. But a new study finds that more than half of probiotics on sale in the US contain traces of gluten -... View More
May 19 2015
Maternal obesity raises the risk of a number of health conditions for offspring that can persist well into adulthood, including heart disease and asthma. Now, a new study reveals why this may be; maternal... View More
May 18 2015
If you are a parent and think sending your child to youth dance classes is keeping them healthy and active, think again. A new study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of... View More