In a prior column, I discussed a tall plank plate push/drag to increase shoulder and torso stability. This exercise also involves the tall plank position, but instead targets unilateral pulling. Prior to doing this exercise, it is important to have a perquisite level of shoulder strength and be experienced with tall planking. It is an effective way to train total body postural control and trunk stability.

Execution: Position the client in a tall plank position with the hands around the dumbbells (wrists in neutral) and feet shoulder width apart. Next, slowly perform a single arm row on the right side. Pause at the top, and then slowly lower the weight down to the floor. Repeat this sequence on the left side. Perform 5-10 repetitions or for a set time.
1. Increase the weight
2. Increase the cadence
3. Perform a push-up between each row
1. Decrease the weight
2. Perform the exercise in a quadruped position
This exercise is a challenging one that forces the client to resist excessive trunk rotation while executing a single arm row. It is considered a more advance exercises and may not be appropriate for those with low back pain, shoulder pathology or a history of shoulder dislocation/subluxations.
I prefer a slower methodical pace, but clients will naturally speed up as they become fatigued. Monitor form closely at all times, and reduce the reps and/or load once compensatory patterns emerge.