With 35 years of experience producing and supplying innovative health and fitness products, OPTP's Professional Catalog 32 is where you find tomorrow's top products–today. In 1997, OPTP saw the undeniable benefits of the foam roller and were one of the first to supply them to health professionals. Now, foam rollers are commonplace in gyms, clinics and studios around the world. In the 1980s, OPTP forged a relationship with Robin McKenzie and helped develop the Treat Your Own series of books and The Original McKenzie® Lumbar Rolls. Today, McKenzie Method books and lumbar supports have helped hundreds of thousands of people free themselves from chronic pain.
Five years from now, which tool will you wish you had found way back in 2014? It's likely in the pages of OPTP's Professional Catalog Vol. 32. The newly added Neuroscience section features exclusive products from Adriaan Louw, including his newest patient book, Why Pelvic Pain Hurts, and a valuable clinical teaching tool entitled Why You Hurt: Therapeutic Neuroscience Education System. Find just-released tools and resources like Eric Franklin's Fascia RollTM and Fascia Release and Balance book; IAOM's SenMoCORTM system for sensory motor training and testing; the Mobilization Belt Techniques DVD series; the OPTP Mobilization Wedge; the M-BoardTM Dynamic Balance Trainer and so much more. 
Don't miss Foam Roller 101, which not only teaches how to select the perfect foam roller, but also compares and contrasts OPTP's wide selection of rollers.
Free print and digital catalogs are available at OPTP.com or by calling 800.367.7393.