The largest ever UK audit of a partnership between the NHS and a commercial weight management company has demonstrated the effectiveness of slimming clubs in tackling obesity with a programme of long term behaviour change on a national scale. The average person who completed a 12 week course at Slimming World lost a 'clinically significant'[1] 5.5 per cent of their body weight. This increased to 8.5 per cent body weight for those who attended a group for six months. Previous research by Slimming World has shown that more than half of participants in referral schemes go on to fund themselves after the initial 12 weeks.

Published in the latest edition of 'Obesity Facts' (April 2011), the audit looked at 34,271 people who were referred by their doctor or another health professional to a local slimming group, giving them access to 12 weeks of support. During that period members of the slimming club begin to adopt new healthy eating habits and are encouraged to build regular activity into their daily routine. Around 60 per cent of people completed the course, losing an average of just under 1st in weight, with the top 10 per cent of patients losing an average of 24lbs in 12 weeks. Weight losses of 5.5 per cent are clinically significant because it's at this point that the risks of weight-related conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke are reduced.

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