With fierce competition inthe marketplace, it's getting more difficult to bring in new clients. Now, youcan easily maximize revenue for each of your clients with these 6 easy strategies!
You've got your marketing in order and have a steady flow of prospectscoming in.
You're converting those prospects to clients at a high rate.
Now you need to get them to spend more money when they do spend.
It's the old "Would you like fries with that?" story. One little sentenceadds millions to the bottom line. So easy, so simple!
How can you apply that to your business? Remember these clients are alreadycommitted to buying from you, they are in buying mode.
1. Increase Your Prices
Just do it; add 10% to all your prices today. A small percentage of clientswill object but the extra profit from the other clients that don't care and arehappy to pay the slight increase will more than cover this. Sell by addingvalue and selling the benefits. Making your service unique so by doing thisthere is no other product or service to compare it to.
You have very little to lose and a massive amount to gain... so increase yourprices by 10% today.
2. Cross Sell and Up Sell
There are always other add on products or services you can sell your clientslike the McDonald's approach of "Would you like fries with that?"
If you only offer training sessions, you need to find other products orservices to offer as cross sells or up sells. It may mean creating a deluxeversion in which you give provide six nutritional during the first six weeks ofyour clients program to lay the groundwork for their long term success. It maybe selling them nutritional products to help them recover from workouts andincrease the likelihood of them complying with your nutritionalrecommendations. You might even form a strategic alliance and sell someone else's complimentary services, like a dietician or massage therapist, if youdon't have anything else to sell your clients initially.
Often in the sale process it is easy to get caught up in the sale and toforget to cross sell or up sell. I suggest you make a checklist so you and yourstaff remember to offer the cross sells and up sells at the point of sale --every sale.
3. Package Deals
Like McDonald's (and you wonder why our county is fat?) offering the customer a#1, #2 or #3 (and probably a half-dozen other package options), how abouthaving a package deal where everything your client needs to be successful isincluded for a discount of X dollars. You can offer training, nutritional coaching,supplements and even a foam roller and training journal -- a complete package toguarantee the client's success. Even if the client starts thinking that theydon't really need everything, the package deal is so good they'll take it.
This is a great strategy to get clients to try things they might notnormally have been interested in -- like supplements or nutritional coaching.
4. Payment Terms
Having payment terms to allow the client to make bigger purchases can dramaticallyincrease what a client is willing to spend. Our company uses EFT billing foreverything so clients can break their investment into monthly payments, justlike their mortgage or car payment. With this approach a client that might nothave been able to invest a lump sum of several thousand dollars can get theservices and products they want and only have a monthly investment of a coupleof hundred dollars.
5. "Do X and Get Y Free"
If you typically have clients that choose to work with you twice a week andwould like to "sway" them to training three times per week, offer an incentivefor only those clients training with you three sessions per week. Somethinglike this: "If you choose to work with me three times per week, you alsoreceive our Six Week Nutrition Coaching Program free." If your cost to deliver thenutrition coaching program is reasonable, this is a great way to get someone inthe habit of training with you more frequently long term.
6. Focus on A-Grade Clients
A-grade clients are the ones that don't complain, pay full price, tell you howwonderful you are, give you great feedback and then tell al their friends (wholikely will be A-grade clients as well) how great you are. Identify thoseclients and nurture them like your own family. Provide them with exceptionalservice and make sure they are the first to know about any new offers orprograms, any new deals... they will love it and purchase more often.
Just choose a couple of these suggestions and implement them in yourbusiness. You'll see the average monthly revenue you make from each client goup 10, 20 even 30% or more!
Pat Rigsby is a contributing author to PersonalTrainerToday.comMagazine, and CEC provider for National Federation of Professional Trainers,NFPT. Pat has helped thousands of fitness pros build their businesses throughhis products and coaching programs. You can instantly download his free FitnessProfit Package by visiting http://fitnessmarketingmachine.com.