Sept. 5 2024
Low back pain (LBP) is ubiquitous in our society, with 39% of US adults reporting back pain in the last 3 months, according to data collected by the CDC in 2019... View More
July 16 2024
Are band internal and external rotation exercises your “go to” for client rotator cuff health?... View More
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June 28 2024
According to the American Joint Replacement Registry, there are 860,000 total knee and hip replacements done in the United States per year. This number is projected to double in the next ten years. Th
June 6 2024
While no injury can be completely prevented, fitness professionals can help clients avoid the sidelines by training them for Achilles injury prevention... View More
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May 28 2024
As our arches start to flatten, there is often a subsequent delay in glute strength... View More
Ask the PT
April 26 2024
To roll, or not to roll? Foam rollers, massage guns, cupping… when it comes to chronic IT band tension, your clients have likely tried it all... View More
March 29 2024
As fitness professionals, we have probably heard or assumed that resistance training with fROM is superior in every aspect compared to pROM. However, is this the case?... View More
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March 28 2024
Strong movement requires healthy feet, and healthy feet require daily attention. Acting as our foundation, our feet experience repetitive forces unlike any other part of our body... View More
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March 20 2024
Your clients are doing hip bridges, squats and lunges. Your clients are committed; they show up; they do the work; they progress loads, yet something is off. They never “feel” their glutes... View More
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Sept. 27 2023
Does the idea of integrating your passion for fitness into the medical model excite you?... View More
March 9 2022
Healthcare through fitness is not really a new concept and goes back to ancient Greek times. I believe there is an undeniable power in the collaboration of the two.That is why I left corporate America