2016 Columnist Bios
Michelle Blakely
Michelle Blakely is the owner of Blakely FIT, Inc., Strength Training Exclusively for Women, a public speaker and the author of the Friday Quickie blog. She is a two-time winner of the Chicago Reader’s Best of Chicago Personal Trainer award and was recently featured on Oprah.com.
Website: www.blakelyfit.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-blakely-2123aa20
Facebook: www.facebook.com/blakelyfit
Twitter: www.twitter.com/blakelyfit
Josh Bowen
Josh "JB" Bowen is a fitness professional and accomplished personal trainer. He serves as the owner of his own training studio, Aspire Fitness but he much more than a personal trainer. He engrains himself into his client's lives and he sees their struggles and accomplishments, their wins and losses. He has been a consultant, big box operator and was a global finalist for the 2013 Life Fitness Personal Trainer to Watch contest.

Website: www.aspirefitnessky.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/joshjbbowen
Twitter: @jbtrainer
Instagram: @aspirefitnessky
Brent Gallagher
Brent Gallagher, MSS, CSCS, ACSM, has built Avenu Fitness into a brand measuring the quality of life one can live, not just their biceps and waistlines. Brent invests time coaching high performing leaders and challenging fitness businesses to come to blows with the status quo by redefining what's possible for the communities they serve.
Website: www.AvenuFit.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brentgallagher
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brent.gallagher.96
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brentgallagher