What are you currently doing to prevent the frailty progression?

At the Functional Aging Institute we talk quite a bit about the Hierarchy of Physical Function and keeping clients in the upper half. This means keeping clients in the higher independent to fit levels of function. Once our clients slip to the lower independent or pre-frail levels it can be a very quick decline to frailty.
There are currently over 100 million people living in the US over the age of 55. The vast majority are living in the lower independent to semi-fit range. Many older adults overestimate their current level, believing they are stronger, fitter and more independent than they really are. We are currently seeing a dramatic shift in human behavior that could accelerate the shift from lower independent to pre-frail and from pre-frail to frail, much faster than our typical progression. As a personal trainer you need to communicate how you can impact longevity and prevent frailty! Having safe and simple assessments that can easily show older clients where they need improvements and why they need to hire you can establish you as an expert to be trusted.
If you want to learn more in person, join the Functional Aging community at our 10th annual FAI Summit July 12-13th in Los Angeles. www.functionalagingsummit.com