Darcy Manlansing, founded Maximum Fitness & Performance, a personal training and group fitness studio in Redwood City, California. Since 2006, Darcy and his staff of personal trainers have been tirelessly dedicated to educating and empowering their clients with their knowledge of effective training, motivation and accountability. Here is how Darcy is raising the bar for his clients, for his community, and for the industry.
Certifications/qualifications: A.F.A.A., N.A.S.M., N.C.S.F., CrossFit Level 1
Studio/Business Name: Maximum Fitness & Performance, LLC
Website: www.Maxfitper.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Maximum-Fitness-Perform
Year started in business: 2006
What inspired you to start your business?
Love and passion for training! I wanted to offer training to anyone who wanted to get back into health and fitness or wanted to take their fitness or athletic performance to the next level. I know that sounds crazy but it’s true. Parents, college students, adults, teenagers, youth, many professional and elite athletes are all participating in our cross-training programs. Prize- fighters, cyclists, surfers, skiers, tennis players, tri-athletes and others competing at the highest levels are using this kind of training to advance their core strength and conditioning. Our cross-training program has tested its methods on the sedentary, the youth, overweight, pathological, and elderly and found that these special populations met the same success as the athletes we train. We call this bracketing or scaling.
What is one hard lesson you’ve learned in business you believe has been most valuable?
That you can’t make everyone happy. Be honest to yourself and clients. Stick with your brand!
If I asked one of your clients why they choose you over other places/gyms/trainers, what would they likely say?
They would likely say my upbeat personality and my honesty, I don’t sugarcoat anything, which is essential in the fitness industry. Too many trainers tell you what you want to hear and not the actual truth.
Name one or two ways you are trying to raise the bar in the industry?
By implementing new technology that will give our clients the added edge to succeed on their fitness journey. Two examples include incorporating the Dexa Fit and FIT3D, both offering full body scans along with measurements and an actual 3D photo of a client’s current state.