Nov. 17 2017
Fitness professionals must evolve and come to realize that mindset is much more than just motivation... View More
Oct. 1 2017
Working with breast cancer patients is a valuable experience; an in-depth understanding and specialized training of common side-effects, physical implications and comorbidities is critical prior to training
Fitness Trainer
Oct. 1 2017
Low-cost policies are not a bargain if charges for certificates of insurance or for adding “additional insureds” to the policy are applied. ... View More
July 2 2017
"What's next?" That is the question that drives professionals to seek advice, consider their options and plan for the future... View More
July 1 2017
Opportunity won’t always present itself before our eyes; broaden your vision and seek opportunities in the less obvious places... View More
July 1 2017
The starting point for operational improvement is recognizing where a business owner may currently have issues. Here are 10 areas where mistakes are made across a wide variety of fitness businesses... View More
July 1 2017
How we think, how we act and how we communicate all determine how successful we are as fitness professionals. Here’s why fitness professionals should use the philosophy of Think like a skeptic,... View More
April 2 2017
When you create a training program for a client, you start with the culminating event and then build the program backwards to where the client is starting... View More
April 2 2017
I generally shy away from starting any presentation or written piece with a dictionary definition of a relevant term. It seems a bit cliché and always feels like I’m back in middle school... View More
April 2 2017
Keeping workouts fresh is important for your clients and for you!... View More
Nov. 1 2016
Receiving notice of a tax audit by the IRS is a nightmarish notion. As the daughter of an accountant, I was raised to look at this differently. If your taxes are in order and you have the proper docum
Nov. 1 2016
There are times aggressive circuit training programs are perceived as “the best course of action” by those who are overweight, out-of-shape or limited by inflammatory concerns; and in those... View More
Nov. 1 2016
Understanding the business of fitness is becoming more and more important for success in the industry, requiring an education that extends in an area far different than exercise physiology, programmin
Nov. 1 2016
In 1986, fresh out of graduate school, with $40 and a new pair of shoes, I started my business, At Your Convenience Personal Fitness Training; it was Kansas City’s original personal training center
Nov. 1 2016
If you saw a sign with a picture of a horse that said: THE WORLD’S ONLY TALKING HORSE! FREE VIEWING AND CONVERSATION WITH THE HORSE ON MAIN STREET AT NOON ON SUNDAY! Would you stop and notice?
July 1 2016
Brian Grasso, perhaps one of the most recognized authorities in mindset and performance, shares insight into the growing need for fitness professionals to integrate mindset coaching alongside fitness... View More