Earlier this month, on Travis Air Force Base, Harbinger President David McCrane presented over 400 Durafoam mats to the physical therapy clinics of the Veterans Administration/East Bay, Calif. Region.


    The VA physical therapy clinics serve veterans of all wars and military conflicts, working to help mend the bodies and minds of U.S. soldiers. VA-East Bay Physical therapist Liza Katz will put the mats to immediate use in a new group therapy program to help veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD.)

    "Harbinger is a local company with deep ties to the community and we are proud to donate the exercise mats for veterans at the VA Hospital who are undergoing physical therapy," said McCrane, at the September 7, 2011 ceremony.

    The mats will be distributed throughout the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Programs at Travis and other East Bay - VA Physical Therapy units. Stretching and floor exercises offer great physical and mental relief, and there was an immediate need for mats which inspired Fairfield-based Harbinger to make this donation.

    On hand to accept the donation were VA patients and employees, including David Matalski - Assoc. Dir., VA East Bay Region. "We would like to thank Harbinger Fitness for their generous donation of more than 400 exercise mats," said Mr. David Matalski, Associate Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Northern California Health Care System East Bay Division. "This donation will benefit hundreds of Veterans in their physical therapy and rehabilitation throughout our system. We at the VA are continually inspired by the dedication and generosity of donors like Harbinger Fitness who answer the call to give again and again."

    Harbinger was founded in 1988 with the patented WristWrap glove design. Today the company produces a full range of innovative, high-performance fitness products including gloves, belts, straps, wraps, jump ropes, resistance cables, balance trainers and mats. For additional information, visit www.harbingerfitness.com.