If you want to lose the kilos you've put on over Christmas, you may be interested in knowing that the hormones related to appetite play an important role in your likelihood of regaining weight after dieting. A new study confirms that people with the highest levels of leptin and lowest levels of ghrelin are more likely to put the centimetres they lost back on again.

    Doctors often have to deal with patients who, after sticking to a slimming diet, have regained the kilos lost in just a short time or weigh even more than they did before they started the diet. This is called the 'yo-yo' effect, and it is noted in some people who follow such weight-loss programmes.

    "There are patients who are susceptible to and others who are resistant to the benefits of a diet", Ana Belén Crujeiras, lead author of the study and a doctor at the University Hospital Complex of Santiago (CHUS), tells SINC. "It seems that the way each patient responds to treatment is predetermined by their own characteristics".

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