As many people droop into the vacation state of mind, it's the perfect time to refocus on your business. We are halfway through the year; are you still working toward the goals you set in January, or have they slipped off your radar? Are you making the money you had intended? Are you serving the number of clients with the quality of service that you had promised yourself? And do you have the systems in place so that one day your income isn't totally dependent on the number of hours you work?

I know it's tough to consider these things when an impending weekend on the lake or a getaway to the beach washes over any attempt at rational thought. However, just like we tell our clients, discipline is doing the things that you don't necessarily feel like in the moment so that you will enjoy sweet rewards later. It is the fitness pro that hones in on his or her business now that will end the year with goals met, more money in the bank, a greater sense of security and a peace of mind that only comes from having your ducks in a row.

So we at PFP decided that this would be a great issue to refocus your attention on building yourself and your business once again. With some insightful articles on how to grow your business within a health club and how to develop a stronger team, you'll walk away ideas that can be immediately implemented, no matter
what your situation. And this issue's cover, Dustin Maher, is sure to inspire you with all that he's done to build his business, especially at such a young age.

So kick back by the pool with your fruit smoothie and this issue of PFP. Let your mind run wild with blue-sky thoughts. And then take those inspirations, ideas and know-how and integrate them back into your business right away. That's a sure way to make your future hotter than the July sun.

Sunglasses recommended,
