Oct. 21 2024
Have you ever been frustrated by clients saying they can’t squat because their knees hurt? Clients then point to their kneecaps. Unfortunately, the “no pain, no gain” strategy doesn’t... View More
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Oct. 9 2024
Use this exercise circuit as a 3-minute finisher at the end of your workouts, or you can use it as a full 20-minute workout. It's really simple — just 4 exercises in total... View More
Sept. 17 2024
If your clients are searching for different ideas that fit their lifestyle preferences, give the following top 5 overlooked recovery strategies a try!... View More
Sept. 5 2024
Low back pain (LBP) is ubiquitous in our society, with 39% of US adults reporting back pain in the last 3 months, according to data collected by the CDC in 2019... View More
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Sept. 3 2024
In this video with Dawn the basic movement pattern is the squat, but we will add some more dual-task sequences to add challenges to work brain health as we train... View More
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Aug. 27 2024
Strengthening the posterior kinetic chain and improving dynamic hip stability is important for balance, injury prevention and athletic performance. Learning how to do a proper hip hinge can be challen
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Aug. 20 2024
Walking is the most foundational and functional movement we do every day. But did you know the way we walk matters?... View More
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Aug. 6 2024
Think and talk less about fitness and communicate more about what people want and dream for their lives... View More
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Aug. 2 2024
Training the core is crucial, but with so many goals to work on, time in the gym can quickly run out... View More
July 16 2024
Are band internal and external rotation exercises your “go to” for client rotator cuff health?... View More
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July 9 2024
Again, we have a series of balance and reaction time drills that will not only challenge our clients' balance system but their cognitive system as well... View More
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June 28 2024
According to the American Joint Replacement Registry, there are 860,000 total knee and hip replacements done in the United States per year. This number is projected to double in the next ten years. Th
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June 24 2024
Achilles tendinopathy and calf strains are common issues that many clients struggle with as they age and with participation in sports... View More
June 6 2024
While no injury can be completely prevented, fitness professionals can help clients avoid the sidelines by training them for Achilles injury prevention... View More
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May 28 2024
As our arches start to flatten, there is often a subsequent delay in glute strength... View More
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May 23 2024
One of the biggest problems clients run into with lunging is anterior knee pain. This is especially prevalent in middle-aged females... View More
May 14 2024
As fitness professionals we are constantly walking the tight rope between encouragement and forcefulness, motivation and insult, and failure and success... View More
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May 13 2024
So while the front plank is useful, why don't you try a few more variations — the combinations really become endless... View More
Ask the PT
April 26 2024
To roll, or not to roll? Foam rollers, massage guns, cupping… when it comes to chronic IT band tension, your clients have likely tried it all... View More
sipe balance
April 24 2024
Many people think of balance as a single thing and either they have good balance or they don’t, but it is much more complicated than that... View More